There have been numerous such companies that have given great returns to investors, like Reliance, Titan, Dr. Reddy Labs, etc. No one can predict which company would grow to such a huge levels before 30 years. Remember, for every Wipro like story, there are thousands of companies which has eroded investors wealth and become penny stocks. Investing in equities alone isn’t enough, investing in the right company at the right time is even more important. Power Of Compound Interest Even if someone invested in the best company in the world, its basic human psychology to book profits when the stock prices increase so many fold. Some investors don’t feel comfortable even for a 50% increase in their investment . No one would have the patience to hold such a stock when he sees how volatile the market is in short-term. If you really want such phenomenal returns, you would have to do lot of fundamental research, do your due diligence on the company and invest in it when it...
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